Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Knowing and Expressing What You Want

Men suffer a lot of drama and unhappiness in their relationships by failing to understand and express what they really want!


  1. Peter,

    Thank you for making these videos for us. They are really helpful.

    I am a bit confused about a few things. You say that it's important to know exactly what kind of relationship you want w/ a woman before actually beginning the relationship. That is, you want to go meet woman knowing exactly what you want with them.

    My sticking point is that I haven't completely mastered my insecurities. For example, if I am doing the MLTR route, I still get uncomfortable feelings of jealousy and insecurity. No, it is not so bad that I act on these feelings. I don't issue rules to the woman. I don't tell them they can't fuck other men. But inside, I don't feel 100% comfortable with it. Does that make sense to you? I feel as if it's simply something I need to work on more and more. As I practice it more, I think it will get easier.

    However at my current experience level, I'm sort of stuck somewhere between monogamy and polyamory. So on the one hand, I don't want to go monogamous because it would be based out of insecurity. And I don't think that's a very good reason. On the other hand, I have problems with polymory since I have not completely mastered my monkey brain yet. The result of this position is that I may be expressing a bit of a confusing frame to a woman.

    Can you help?

  2. Great questions Vadim! I'll make a video in the next couple days answering them.
